Powerplants Australia P/L
Founded in 1994, Powerplants has a long history of advancing Australia’s horticultural industry. We partner with farmers, supermarkets and government authorities, to advance Australia’s plant production and food sustainability.
Specifically, we work with field growers , nursery owners, commercial builders, educational institutions and medicinal specialists.
Our work contributes to Federal and State Government policies for Australia’s regional infrastructure planning, food security and economic sustainability which seek to ensure Australia becomes resilient to the frequency, impact and consequence of a range of hazards.
Powerplants is a key enabler to food sustainability and plant production in Australia. We will continue to innovate, collaborate and enhance our capabilities to ensure greater economic and food security benefits are delivered to Australian businesses and the Australian community.
We specialise in commercial scale greenhouses (200m2-200,000m2), which includes controlled climate solutions, fertigation and recycling systems, and labour saving technologies.
We continue to invest in global product research and development to produce tailored solutions aligned to specific Australian conditions for the benefit of our customers.
Our network spans the breadth of Australia. Our customers, wherever they are across the country, receive 24/7 support provided by our hands-on specialists,
We offer end-to-end solutions via a range of products and systems to align with existing infrastructure.
Our products cover:
o Climate Systems to create the right climate
o Water Systems to create water quality and nutrient rich solutions and recycling
o Control Systems to control integrated water and climate systems
o Labour Saving Systems including automation to save labour costs
This presentation will give you a short and informative overview of Powerplants.