Front Range Biosciences
Plant growers are hamstrung by three major problems: expense, risk and safety, and a lack of innovation. The scientific tools of modern agriculture developed in the last 40 years have increased the profit, safety, and rate of innovation for the crops consumed daily worldwide. These tools include tissue culturing, genetic assays, and marker assisted breeding.
Front Range Biosciences enables a grower to reduce crop loss due to pathogens, quickly sex a plant, and develop new strains of plants that have the most valuable commercial properties. We increase a grower’s profit, reduce its risk, and give it new products. We have the right team of PhD bioscientists, MIT MBAs, DuPont plant experts, and seasoned biotechnology entrepreneurs. We have the right market, little professional competition, and the right product-market fit. Front Range Biosciences is a vertically integrated biotech company with a strong IP portfolio and licensing strategy.
We are excited to usher a new era in modern plant breeding and growing.